Blaney Sawing Illusion

The Master Magician saws a girl in half live on stage...! The Secret is finally revealed here, after over 50 years of secrecy ...we own the ORIGINAL © Copyrighted written explaination and diagram for this Illusion in the Entire WWW and Real World!

#41 The Blaney Sawing Illusion
Uses these magic procedures: Misdirection, Special Props, Hidden Assistant

The Table does all the work... it is specially constructed to hold a hidden assistant who simply pushes her feet up and out and retracts them at the appropriate time...

The girl who gets "sawed" simply pulls up her lower body into the right side box...

The construction of the whole assembly is quite amazing actually, because it makes it seem "impossible" that another person could be conceled within the table, but as our detailed Diagram shows there is infact room for a smaller frame girl...

The lower legs that show are a "partial Dummy" that take up a small section of the interior... the upper arms that show are the girl's real arms...

Much PRACTICE is required to perform this illusion correctly as every "move" is rehearsed over and over again... to give the final presentation!

Music, lights, background scenery and the actions of the performer add to the misdirection away from the hidden aspects of this piece of Magic...