Card Warp Trick

The Magician folds two cards and slides them together, and magically one has reversed half of itself! Uses ordinary cards, borrowed from anyone!

#17 The Card Warp Trick
Uses ordinary cards, but one card is cut from the center of one long edge to the center of the card, both cards are "prebent" ...the cut card is bent along it's long axis, the other card is bent along it's short axis

The cut is concealed by the left thumb at the beginning as both faces are shown and the cards are slightly turned over to show the backs

When the cards are put together and folded over, the cut is concealed by the fold, then the other card is casually slid down a bit below the cut in the cut card, then it is slid back up into the cut, so that when the cards are refolded back, the cut card now has one end side showing the back face of the card, so that when the cut card is pushed back and forth thru the other card, it shows the face on one end and the back on the other end

The cards are unfolded and slid back to the starting position, then separated at the end, with the thumb concealing the cut to finish the trick

SEE THESE PICTURES showing first the cards, then the cards in the "display" position:

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