Antiquing is basically a Painting Technique, where a base coat (color of choice) is applied over the prepared surface... then (after it's dry) a grain coat (can be more than one color of choice ie 2 or 3 coats) is applied to create a "grain appearance" ... this grain coat can be applied using any of several applicators... such as small artist brushes, steel wool, cheese cloth, grain stamped tools, rags etc.
IF the initial piece is CURRENTLY STAINED AND VARNISHED then it must be prepared first with a coat of Oil Base Primer... IF it is CURRENTLY PAINTED (and free of dirt and grease) then you can proceed to the Antiquing Technique with perhaps only Priming local "bare spots" first... Altho special Antiquing "Glaze" is recommended for the grain coat, you can use regular Paint alternatively with good success... Here are 3 Examples of Antiquing:
Example Here
Example Here
Example Here