Learn How To Eat

Do you know that the way you actually lose weight isn't just by urination or by bowl movements or by sweating or crying tears... but actually it's mostly (about 85%) from EXHALING YOUR BREATH which is Carbon Dioxide Waste... that's why extra exercising works so well!

The average adult person with just normal everyday activities needs about 2000 Calories per day...

However if the average adult just sits or lays around doing NOTHING they need only about 1200 Calories per day...

But to lose weight you need to KNOW How Much Energy You Are Putting In Each Day... and to do this you MUST get a small notebook and RECORD the Name of the Meal, the Calories (and Sugar and Salt and Fiber) for each (and every) time you finish eating!

So to get these Values you MUST spend a little time Reading Food Labels and RECORDING these values in your Notebook for reference...

And if you MIX Up a combination of foods you MUST add up the separate values for each food to get a value for the total mixture... then determine How Many Servings the total will yield and then do a little math to get the value for just one serving... this will enable you to write down your meal values easier each time and every time you finish a meal (no matter how big or small the meal is)...

You should "sub total" the values thru out the day, so that you know how many Calories, Sugar and Salt and Fiber you have consumed... so as you approach your chosen Max Value... you need to STOP EATING FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!!

To lose weight I chose my Max Daily Value for Calories to be <2000 (less than 2000) and for Sugar (natural sugar) <50Grams and for Added Sugar 0Grams and for Salt <2500MG and for Fiber >25MG ...so you should decide values to use so that you will consume LESS than the required normal amounts and thus make your body use the stored fat to maintain your level of energy to satisfy how much exercising you do each day...

Try lowering your Max Values to say 1000 Calories per day and experiment a bit... weigh yourself every morning to see how you did... use an accurate scale... I bought a Balance Beam Scale (the kind Doctors use to weigh you) ... I found one at a flea mart for $50 ...