Learn To Keep Records

So to lose weight you need to KNOW How Much Energy You Are Putting In Each Day... and to do this you MUST get a small notebook and RECORD the Name of the Meal, the Calories (and Sugar and Salt and Fiber) for each (and every) time you finish eating!

Here's a pic of my typical day's record:

Notice I quit eating with Calories = 907, Sugar = 50G (0), and Salt = 2510MG

(1) I am SINCERE about losing weight and NOT just joking about it and I stick with the diet everyday from the beginning...

(2) I use the facts about the foods that I eat which I gathered by pain-stakingly READING Food Labels and Writing Down This Information In My Small Notebook So I Could Refer To It Daily...

(3) I RECORD My Daily Eating Values (the Date, Food or Meal Name, Calories, Sugar, and Salt) each time I finish eating on PAPER (in the same notebook in another area)... So that at anytime of the day (or night) I KNOW EXACTLY How Much I Ate And How Many Calories, Fiber, Sugar and Salt I have Consumed Up To That Point... NOTE:[If I mix foods to make a meal, I calculate the individual amounts and add them up, then determine how many servings the total mixture will yield, so that I can record a true value for each serving when I eat]...